A mystical journey to Shiva’s Kailash

In 2014, my parents went on a pilgrimage to a mountain in the transhimalayas which in sanskrit is referred to as Mt. Kailash. The mystical mountain located in Tibet , holds a sacred place in four religions; Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Bön. Mount Kailash also lies in vicinity to some of the longest rivers in … More A mystical journey to Shiva’s Kailash

The world plunges into uncertainty while we sit in class and plan our future.

10:45 AM(GMT+9). 29th June,2016. I was in the “Materials and structural system and Management” class. The professor‘s way of teaching is interesting. He usually shows lots of videos to give us a feel of the real thing . Today he was talking about the Die Hard movie series. Why? To discuss how glamorous it looks … More The world plunges into uncertainty while we sit in class and plan our future.